
Windows 3.1...si può!!!

Piccola guida che spiega come istallare windows 3.1(o 95 ma sconsigliabile perchè molto lento) sulla play 3!!!
-Una tastiera usb
-DosBox (3.55 CFW)
-DosBox (3.41 Dongle)
-Il PACK per l'istallazione

Via al proceidmento:
Istallare dosbox sulla play, una volta istallato si creerà la cartella nella directory dev_hdd0/game/HBDB90000/USRDIR in questa directory va trasferita la cartella completa che si trova nel PACK quindi il risultato finale sarà dev_hdd0/game/HBDB90000/USRDIR/WIN31 (dentro questa cartella devono esserci tutti i file per l'istallazione di Windows occhio che quando si scompatta il file si rischia di avere una cartella WIN31 con all'interno un'altra WIN31...DEVE ESSERE UNA SOLA!!!!)
A questo punto avviare dosbox da ps3 e con la tastiera inserita (o usb o bluethoot) e digitare escluse virgolette :
"mount c ~/"
"cd WIN31"
Il setup partirà e copierà tutti i file necessari per l'avvio di windows!!
Cliccare sempre l'invio se necessario o richiesto!!
Completare con i dati richiesti e poi ritornare a MS-DOS finita la rpocedura di setup generale!!
Una volta terminata l'istallazione riavviare la Play!!
Riavviare dosbox e digitare sempre escluse virgolette:

"mount c ~/"
e windows partirà!!!!

MultiMan v01.17.02

Change Log:

-Interface update
-Simplified and cleaner look
-Slick and professional feel
-Link XMB VIDEO files to Showtime option in “System Menu”
-Launch Showtime option in “System Menu”
-Game options: press SQUARE
-System menu: press TRIANGLE * Updated version of SHOWTIME MEDIA PLAYER (codepageswinsows-1250 and 1251)
-“Favorites” menu in next version
-Themes must be updated to reflect latest changes
-More options added in COLOR.INI for theme creators
-user_font added in COLOR.INI for theme creators
-game_bg_overlay added in COLOR.INI
-“Cover not available” cover in some display modes
-“[O] Save” in submenu changed to “[O] Back”
-Updated the “Original theme” to reflect the recent changes
-Changes to the Game Options sub-menu – support for PNG covers – display of game version and ps3 firmware required in title name
-Changes in File manager – TRIANGLE – one directory up – UP+R2 – to top of list – DOWN+R2 – to bottom of list
-Support for REBUG firmwares (properly working BD mirror function

Link: MultiMan v01.17.02 Base
        MultiMan v01.17.02 Full (2210 cover)



Ragazzi chiedo scusa per l'assenza degli ultimi mesi ma l'università mi stava distruggendo...zero tempo libero...

MultiMan v01.17.00

 Aggiornameto MultiMan...

Change log 01.17.00:

Added: New sub-menu to set game specific options (press R1)
Added: Latest version of Showtime by andoma and helpMME by condorstrike
Added: Support for 5 user fonts (change with SELECT+R3)
Added: Custom font for Showtime in fonts/system/showtime.ttf
Numerous fixes, improvements and additions

Link: MultiMan v01.17.00 BASE
        MultiMan v01.17.00 FULL

Showtime v2.99-284

Tool che permette la visione e la riproduzione dimoltissimi formati AUDIO/VIDEO compresi gli mkv per il full hd...

ps3: Fix video bitrate calculation when using SPU decoder
Fix bitmapped subtitle formats (VOBSUB) on bigendian (such as PS3) systems.
Fix scanning of SRT subtitles Ticket #408.
webdavclient: Strip 'http://host' in webdav responses before parsing.
linux: Prefer openssl over libssl
ps3: Use system fonts (Latin, Japanese, Korean, Chinese) so lots of more characters should work now
subtitles: Autodetect encoding of SRT files
ps3: Fix seeking bugs when playing with cell acceleration
ps3: Force cell decoder into level 4.2 even if content is 5.x
Add support for all ISO 8859 character encodings and make it configurable in Language -> Settings which default character encoding to use for SRT files.

Link:Showtime v2.99-284


MultiMan v01.16.10

Change log:

- A small change to 4×2 mode (with cover box), using the coolest theme by condorstrike (Aero)
- And some reflections for the new display mode

Link: MultiMan v01.16.10


MultiMan v01.16.03 NTFS SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!

Che dire finalmente il tanto atteso supporto per il file system NTFS è arrivato e implementato nell'ultima versione del MultiMan!!!


  1. NTFS support for external USB HDD (START+/ to switch to NTFS driver)
  2. USB.CFG configuration file edit required: 0xVNID:0xPRID:V
  3. Only copy from NTFS is supported – nothing more, nothing less
  4. Folder/File copy in FileManager from NTFS volumes
  5. Merging split files while copying from NTFS is not supported (only 1:1 copy)
  6. Altered display modes 1, 2, 3 and 4 (small device icon in lower right corner)
  7. Fixed 99% progress bar freeze
  8. Fixed “not enough space on destination drive” in rare cases
  9. New cache convention
  10. Added support for 3.56 spoof
  11. Probably a lot of other things…

MultiMan v1.16.03